Clever Secret Engridient for Fry Bread

Frybread is a staple in the Native American home. For each native there seems to be a different way to make frybread. Here are some new ones.  Please note…These do not have the secret Clever ingredient.

 Basic frybread.

9 cups flour,

5 tablespoons baking powder,

3/4 to 1 cup dry milk,

2 cups sugar (I like it a little sweet)

2 tablespoons salt.

   Mix all the dry ingredients together thoroughly. Put up in plastic bags.

   When ready to cook, take out some of the mix and add enough stingy (warm enough to sting your wrist but not burn it, like a baby's bottle) water to make the dough the consistency of pizza dough. Don't over work the dough as this will make the bread tough.

   Let sit about 30 minutes to work. Put some oil in a plate and on your

hands. This will keep the frying oil clean as excess flour will darken and burn.  

   Pinch off some of the dough. The size is up to you.

I like small ones. Pat the dough out on the oiled plate then drop it into hot oil for frying. Drain on paper towels. Eat hot with toppings or plain.

    Fry Bread Variations

Cranberry-nut.. To the amount of basic mix I add 1 package of craisins that are plumped in 4 cups of warm orange juice. Then I add 2 cups chopped nuts and another cup of sugar.

   Apple-cinnamon...To the amount of basic mix add 6 tart apples chopped with the peels on. 4 tablespoons cinnamon and 2 cups raisins plumped in warm water or apple juice. This is also added to the full amount of basic mix. I make that much for my family at a time. It sometimes lasts through breakfast the next day. You can adjust the variations as you please for the amount of bread you want to make.


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14.04 | 15:16

George, Idealism killed by shot of fact. Clark

14.04 | 14:51

George, This is a fascinating article. Clark

03.06 | 00:41

Hello Frank, Unfortunately, the turtle head has to come off and the insid...

02.06 | 21:22

my turtle just died and I want to create a rattle. How do I prepare him to do this.